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In patients with hematological malignancies, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) from unrelated donors (URD) is often used when a suitable related donor is not available. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching is performed to find the closest matching donor to ensure the best possible outcomes in terms of overall survival (OS), non-relapse mortality (NRM) and graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). High-resolution HLA typing typically looks at specific loci (HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1) to determine the allele variant for donor and recipient, with mismatching of these adversely affecting outcomes.1 However, genotype matching for HLA-DPB1 (DPB1) has been found to have little impact on OS. Also, there is weak linkage disequilibrium between DPB1 and other HLA class II loci, which would make it difficult to implement. As a result, it is estimated that >80% of 8/8-matched URD-HSCT (HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1) are mismatched for DPB1. There are several biological models used to determine which HLA-DPB1 mismatches are tolerable (permissive) or convey an increased risk (non-permissive) based on functional T-cell Epitope (TCE) prediction, and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) tags.2
In a recent letter to Haematologica, Francesca Lorentino from the Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, IT, and colleagues compared DPB1 permissiveness, based on five models, and how they are associated with outcomes in 422 HSCT patients.2 The objective was to identify a prediction model which is able to select permissive DPB1 mismatch combinations, associated with lower clinical risks compared to their high-risk, non-permissive, counterparts.
AML; acute myeloid leukemia, ALL; acute lymphoblastic leukemia, MDS; myelodysplastic syndromes, MPN; myeloproliferative neoplasms, CLL; chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CMV; Cytomegalovirus, MAC; myeloablative conditioning, RIC; reduced-intensity conditioning, PB; peripheral blood, BM; bone marrow, ATG; anti-T-lymphocytic globulin, CSA; cyclosporine A, MTX; methotrexate. | |
Population n= 422 | |
Median follow-up for survivors, years (range) | 3.2 (0.1—6) |
Patient age, years, median (range) | 49 (18 —70) |
Patient gender, male, n (%) | 244 (58%) |
Type of diagnosis, n (%) AML ALL MDS or MPN Lymphoma and Myeloma CLL |
168 (40%) 63 (15%) 69 (16%) 110 (26%) 12 (3%) |
Disease status according to EBMT risk, n (%) Early Intermediate Advanced |
191 (45%) 111 (26%) 120 (29%) |
HCT-CI score, median (range) | 1 (0-7) |
Karnofsky performance status, median % (range) | 90 (50—100) |
Donor gender, male, n (%) | 306 (72%) |
No of previous pregnancies for female donors, median (range) | 0 (0-6) |
Female donor/male recipient, n (%) | 61 (14%) |
Host/donor CMV serostatus, n (%) Pos/pos Pos/neg Neg/pos Neg/neg Missing |
157 (37%) 166 (39%) 36 (9%) 53 (13%) 10 (2%) |
Type of conditioning, n (%) MAC RIC |
271 (64%)1 11 (35%) |
Source of stem cells, n (%) PB BM |
343 (81%) 79 (19%) |
ATG-based GvHD prophylaxis, n (%) | 382 (91%) |
GvHD prophylaxis details: ATG + CSA + MTX ATG + Sirolimus + MMF Other ATG-based prophylaxis CSA+MTX Other prophylaxis |
341 (81%) 26 (6%)1 5 (4%) 24 (5%) 16 (4%) |
The team highlight that this study is the first to compare these five models of DPB1 permissiveness and that despite some of the models (TCE3, TCE4, ΔFD) describing the same interaction, they are not in complete agreement. The group suggest that this may be due to each of the models capturing only certain aspects of T-cell interaction with DPB1 molecules. They go on to discuss the functional TCE models as being better in predicting survival and cGvHD, while the SNP models being predictive of aGvHD. In terms of study limitations, Lorentino and colleagues felt that these included the small number of pairs included in the SNP tag models, and the lack of agreement with other studies around the TCE3 model associations, possibly due to the stem cell source (peripheral blood vs bone marrow) and different conditioning strategies. In conclusion, the authors highlighted the functional basis for TCE4 and its potential as a superior model for permissiveness in URD-HSCT.
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